Tuesday, December 7, 2010

for the ones that wonders how it feels when you turn 30

One of my friend - which also happens to be a very talented DJ - thought to do a mix about 'turning 30'. As I just turned 30, he asked me to write few words about how it feels. So I thought to share this with you, in case you are not 30 yet and you are wondering how it will be:)

First, I don't think you can talk about 30. Maybe you can talk about "before 30" and "after 30". Even though it's about only one day before and one day after. The exact day, the one when you turn 30, it's a mess. It's like having your period. You feel totally confused. On one hand you are happy for feeling the same as yesterday and realizing that THE BIG 30 is not so big actually, on the other hand you wonder why you don't feel what you should feel at this age: being more confident, more mature, with a double IQ (or triple if you are lucky), happy to have find your "true-self", etc. You appreciate everything but in the same time you wished that somebody would have had THAT BRILLIANT IDEA that will make you feel like being 20 again, that will show you that you did everything you wanted until 30, that will make all your wrinkles disappear, that will assure you that you will have a beautiful family soon, but also that you will have lots of fun too, etc. And that will make you thinner, smarter, and wiser. So, because this idea doesn't exist (although you really hoped that your boyfriend will find it if "he really loves you"), nothing is enough that day. And you wonder, what's wrong with you? And then you start smiling again thinking how moody women can be sometimes and how lucky you are for having so many great people around you, when you turn 30.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

For the pleasure of buying Kinder eggs

I remember when my aunt gave me a Kinder egg. It was during communism when everything that was "from abroad" was magic. I can fell even now the excitement when I opened it and I found Mickey Mouse inside. I didn't know who is Mickey Mouse at that time but even though he was anonymous for me, it was still my favourite toy. It was one of the most beautiful days of my childhood. I still buy Kinder eggs because it remembers me of that happy moment. And every time I buy it, I hope that I will find Mickey Mouse inside...

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

For girls only http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vjvJHsJD8ic

I am quite tired but I got inspired by the movie Julie and Julia and I cannot help myself to write this post. First, let me tell how amazed I was, once again, by the talent of Meryl Streep. I never imagined that she will make me laugh so much. And this movie inspires you to find your passion in your life. Whatever will be. You can always find ways to link your passions with your professional life. And this is the moment when you can excel. To find out what you really want, you just need to take the "observatory position" which is a very simple NLP exercise. Try to see yourself from the outside. Take a look of your life. Your wishes. Your day to day activities. This will help to disconnect yourself from your emotions. Do this exercise few times per day. Note your observations. And when your list is finished, make an action plan and follow it. Additionally, if you think you won't be able to focus on a long term on what you want, make a board with pictures that express your objectives and put it in a place where you can see it every day. This will help you to stay focus and to realise your true desires.

Wish you all to find your passion in life!


Thursday, November 5, 2009

For my passion of cooking

I will share with you a Romanian recepie that is very simple and very delicious!

First one is the aubergine salad. You need 6 aubergines and olive oil. That's all! You grill the aubergines until they become really soft. As a test, press them a little bit and see if the juice comes out. if it does, they are ready. After cooking them, take the peal off and squash them in a bolter until their juice comes out (otherwise they are too bitter. The last steps are: cut them very thin, put them in a boll and start mixing them with oil and salt, using a wood spoon. Add some onion choped in little pieces and...bonne apetit!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

For my bday

It was one of the most beautiful birthdays! Great friends, warm wishes and a big present from God. The hepatite virus is not active anymore. I just found out the results. I am so happy! I won't talk now about health problems and what it means. But it means a lot! And I want to share with you the beautiful wishes for my bday. Wish you all the same!

This is my WISH for you:

SMILES when sadness intrudes, COMFORT on difficult days, RAINBOW to follow the clouds, SUNSET to warm your heart, LAUGHTER to kiss your lips, HUGS when spirits sag, FRIENDSHIPS to brighten your being, FAITH that you can belive, PATIENCE to accept the truth, CONFIDENCE for when you doubt, COURAGE to know yourself, BEAUTY for your eyes to see, LOVE to complete your life.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

For the beginning

I will be short. In one year my father died, I discovered my B hepatise, I moved to a new country, I was depressed and had panic attacks, I learned French, I took a dog from the shelter, I designed the new apartment, I started to snowboard - despite my fear of ski lift, I got involved in charity causes, I became addicted to social media, I started acupuncture, I discovered my passion for cooking, I met wonderful people, I smoked for the first time, I falled in love of Provence, I hated and I forgave, I rediscovered the nature, I cried a lot, I became fan Nespresso, I realised how lucky I am for experiencing the comunism, I admited my sensitivity, I gain 7 kilos, I started to love myself and I decided to begin this blog for sharing all of this.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

My blog

This is a blog for myself. For my father. For the "me to be". For his unconditional love. For all the people that he was helping. For my future family. For people in need. For my memories. For his memories. For people that don't know what it means communism. For my future book. For being true to myself. For the people I love. For goods and bads. For keeping the balance. For finding answers. For positive life. For all his love.